Blog Archives

Inspiration: “It[‘s] just this moment.”

Curious how clarity and presence come to us when we measure ourselves next to the scale of life in the universe. We are small in comparison, but something happens that wakes us up to our vastness in the moment. Time

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Inspiration: “Learn to find ease in risk”

For a New Beginning By John O’Donohue In out-of-the-way places of the heart, Where your thoughts never think to wander, This beginning has been quietly forming, Waiting until you were ready to emerge. For a long time it has watched

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Inspiration: Foolish People

Foolish People just posted this great blog: Dig deep, they say, feel the burn and power on through, break on through to the other side. As if there is an infinite store of resources to draw upon. As if you’ve

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Inspiration: Karen X. Cheng

This isn’t a story about dancing, though. It’s about having a dream and not knowing how to get there — but starting anyway. –Karen X. Cheng Last week I came across a video titled “I learned to dance in a

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Inspiration: Learning to listen and allow

My son was in his room. He and his dad had stopped by before they left for a week-long vacation without me. I was stirring a lot of emotions about this little family and how it’s different now and how

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Inspiration: more on gravity

Actually, just a little more on gravity, in a poem. Do not entertain vertigo or hug the mountain. Put your weight away from your instincts and surrender to gravity. Any true journey is harrowing, the arrival exhilarating. It takes style

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Inspiration: Gravity

Why am I inspired by the weakest fundamental force? Gravity is how I connect and ground myself.  Imagining how my body interacts with it on a cellular level is how I create the centeredness and groundedness to do the type

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Inspiration: Douglas Dunn

“Modern dance is retrograde. It sees the complex body/mind as a temple to be dwelt in, lived from, revered. It says that any possible spiritual progress must emerge from an unembarrassed body. Thus we are un-Christian. We are not afraid

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Inspiration: Moving, not moving

“I am moving and not moving at all. I’m like the moon underneath the waves that ever go on rolling and rocking. It is not ‘I am doing this’, but rather, ‘this is happening through me’, or ‘it is doing

Posted in Inspiration

Inspiration: Somatic Natural History Archive

  “Humans are not moved/inspired/captivated by their illusion of separateness from nature, rather their deeply held understanding of life’s unity.” Karl Cronin, principal investigator at the Somatic Natural History Archive Karl Cronin is an artist, scientist, musician and mystic. He

Posted in Inspiration