“Modern dance is retrograde. It sees the complex body/mind as a temple to be dwelt in, lived from, revered. It says that any possible spiritual progress must emerge from an unembarrassed body. Thus we are un-Christian. We are not afraid…
“Modern dance is retrograde. It sees the complex body/mind as a temple to be dwelt in, lived from, revered. It says that any possible spiritual progress must emerge from an unembarrassed body. Thus we are un-Christian. We are not afraid…
I’m puttering around the house, vaguely aware of a perpetual list of things to do. One thing done, another jumps up. Wash clothes, fold towels, walk dog, clean kitchen. I sigh. In between the lists and this breath I see…
Earth is a Solar Powered Juke Box–Gordon Hempton Acoustic ecologist, it’s not a job you ever heard about at career fairs in high school. Thankfully the world is full of people willing to create work outside the career fair list…
“I am moving and not moving at all. I’m like the moon underneath the waves that ever go on rolling and rocking. It is not ‘I am doing this’, but rather, ‘this is happening through me’, or ‘it is doing…
I have a problem with perfection. No, not even perfection. The idea that everything around me could be just a little bit or a lot better IF. If only. If only I had the money, the time, the strength. If…
You know someone owns the rights to Happy Birthday. That means every time you sing it, someone is supposed to make some pennies from it. They can’t yet make us pay ASCAP fees in our homes, but this is the…
“Humans are not moved/inspired/captivated by their illusion of separateness from nature, rather their deeply held understanding of life’s unity.” Karl Cronin, principal investigator at the Somatic Natural History Archive Karl Cronin is an artist, scientist, musician and mystic. He…
“If you want to learn to swim jump into the water. On dry land no frame of mind is ever going to help you.” –Bruce Lee As I was researching quotes for one of my inpiration posts, I found this…
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